What makes CHBC tick?

About Us

We love the Lord. We are here because Jesus, who is God, humbled himself to be born as a man. He lived a sinless, or perfect, life and then suffered and died on a cross, to pay for all of our mistakes. Three days after He was laid to rest in a tomb, He rose from the dead, and after being seen my numerous individuals ascended to heaven. This is what makes us tick and it makes everything we do worthwhile. We would love to tell you more!

Calvary Heights Baptist Church is a family of believers in Jesus Christ, firmly committed to sharing the truths of God’s Word. Our community of faith gathers weekly on Sunday mornings for an experience of live music, creative teaching, and engaging relationship. Our Sunday morning services are an awesome opportunity to connect with others and be inspired by a life-giving message from God’s Word.

Calvary Heights Baptist Church was organized in September 1960 as Martinsville Baptist Chapel, a mission of Bloomington Baptist Church. Beginning with two families comprised of seven persons, they met first in the Home Industrial Clubhouse on State Road 252. The church then moved into their first church building at 240 South Main Street and organized as a church with 31 charter members in 1961.

The original church building, which eventually became the fellowship hall, was erected at its current location in 1963. The main worship center was added in 1970. Martinsville Baptist Chapel was renamed Calvary Baptist Church, then First Southern Baptist Church and finally Calvary Heights Baptist Church in 1974.

In 2023 we stepped out in faith and sold our property with a desire to move toward the center of the city of Martinsville. Thanks to the generosity and flexibility of Tom Henson, we were meeting in the Main Street Stage on the square of Martinsville for almost a year. In 2024, we moved into our current location at 80 W. Washington St.!

Since our church’s inception, our church members have spread the message of Christ around the world, traveling to Brazil, Alaska, and Ecuador. Calvary Heights Baptist Church’s mission is to reach the lost, equip the church, connect to one another and serve our neighbor. We are a Southern Baptist church that affirms the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message.

Whether you have never been to church, you’ve been hundreds of times, or you are returning from a long absence, we invite you to get acquainted with Calvary Heights and, more importantly, to get connected with Jesus Christ. We invite you to have a look around our website, learn more about us, and begin to discover what God has in store for you!

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