“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” – G.K. Chesterton
Imagine being forcibly carried off over thousands of miles to a foreign country, where the idols Bel and Anu are worshipped instead of the true and living God. Your name is changed from one that honors God to another name that sings praises to an idol. You are subjected to a forcible education of re-programming, where you are marked to serve as an ambassador to your new home. Your new king demands that you dine on food sacrificed to idols and bow down in worship of colossal golden idols.
How do you avoid compromising your faith in God?
This is the challenge of Daniel – a strong-willed teenager consigned to the courts of the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar in 606 BC. In spite of the repeated threat of death, Daniel never compromised his exceptional faith in God.
Beginning in March 2013, our next sermon series will focus on the life of Daniel, who lived an uncompromising life in the midst of a compromising world. As we journey through the book of Daniel, God is going to speak to us about what it means to possess an unshakeable and unwavering faith. God desires for our faith to roar like a lion – not to be muzzled in silence.
Come join us for worship at 10:45am every Sunday!